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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I needs too  figure out a way to video blog because i gots a hell of alot of crap to tell ya hahahaha im so gangsta what what. jk jk jk jk jk jk little whiter girl from the suburbs should refrain from ever saying such nonsense i know. ................... blog post coming soon via the full on VLOG experience yall promise :)


  1. Glad to hear you're alive! Hope to hear the update soon!

  2. I hope things are moving forward positively for you and your family. Just wondering, have you thought about moving your dad's items to a temporary storage where he could visit and sort things out? That way at least the house would be physically available for you guys to live in. Had the urge to help and so I thought I'd comment on your blog.)

  3. Hi Krissy,

    I've just seen the episode about you and your family at Discovery Home & Health Brazil. Wanted to know about how you and yours are doing and if you could cope with such a big problem.


  4. Hi Krissy,
    I just watched your family's hoarding episode on Netflix. I wanted to let you know I prayed for you tonight and I hope the situation has improved since the filming.

    As an adult child of a dysfunctional family who only started to get therapeutic help last year, may I encourage with what I wish I had learned long ago? I felt SO much guilt for all my family's issues- all my life I thought if only I could be better then things would be better. And when things weren't better- it must have been my fault. What I didn't realize is that it is NEVER the child's fault to parent their parents. Krissy: You are NOT responsible for your parents. Yes, they have diabilities and challenges- but that doesn't make you responsible to sacrifice your life while they continue to live in dysfunction.

    It has been a difficult journey for me, but I am learning that I need to take care of myself and get myself to a place of wellness- from that place of health I can than help my family more than when I am so immersed in the situation.

    My advice is if at all possible for you, and your sister if she will go with you, to move out to your own home. Make it a safe home where you feel welcome and nourished and loved and cared for- self care is huge for those of us who grow up in unhealthy families. Your parents will be okay- even if it means they have to make changes in the way they live. If either your mom or sister qualify for disability benefits (or even your dad- OCD is a medical disorder) that will hopefully help financially.

    But, sweetie: you deserve a good life. You deserve to be happy,to live in order and peace. You have GREAT value and worth- God loves you and created you uniquely. I have found intensive coundseling to be extremely helpful. I was too proud to do this before- I prided myself on being highly functional despite what I survived growing up. I thought I could handle it. The truth was I was in SO much pain on the inside- and I am so grateful I had the courage to reach out and get help for me. I don't think my family will ever change (although I'd be so happy if they did)- I had to get to the point where I am going to be as healthy as I can, and on my own journey to healing, regardless of my family's state of health (or lack thereof). Again, please know i am praying for you. If you'd ever like to email me my email is

  5. Hi Krissy, this is the first time I have ever responded to a blog but I was watching your TLC episode today (in Canada) and I could not believe what you have been dealing with. I truly hope your father was able to clean out his house however, I suspect he didn't. I hope you moved out. I hope your sister was able to get a job (hard to see from that episode why she couldn't work) and moved out. And perhaps your parents would be better off in a small apartment that cannot hold so much junk. I hope things worked out for you! :)
